Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mets and Einhorn was still in discussions

Hedge fund manager David Einhorn is reportedly still in discussions with the New York Mets to acquire a 33% stake in baseball series.

Einhorn, the head of hedge fund firm Greenlight capital, has been in negotiations with the Mets since May to deal with him as a minority owner for an investment of $ 200 million.

Exclusive talks between Einhorn and team ownership would be completed by 30 June, according to an article in the New York Post. Discussions in progress rather than as a team spokesman told the newspaper.

Einhorn to begin with the agreement the Mets is interesting because he could end up with a controlling 60% of the shares, for an additional $ 1, unless the team has to pay back the $ 200 million to him within three years. But if the team pays back the money, he would end up with only 16% ownership.

Team owner Fred Wilpon and Saul Katz offered a share in the group to cover liabilities and costs, due in part to a $ 1 billion lawsuit between Irving Picard, the trustee in bankruptcy of Bernard Madoff case for their alleged involvement in Madoff's Ponzi scheme.

Go to the New York Post article

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