Monday, July 11, 2011

Einhorn Greenlights sale of Yahoo! Games

Hedge Fund guru David Einhorn say not "Yahoo!" when he announced Friday that its Fund, Greenlight capital, sold its share in online business.

Einhorn, had instead a tone of resignation in a letter to shareholders, according to news reports.

GreenLight capital had owned 8.5 million shares of Yahoo! March 31, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing.

But in Einhorns letters, published by online blog zero Hedge, as he has some of the blame for the sell-off to an ongoing dispute between Yahoo! and China's Alibaba group over ownership Alibaba's online payments business, Alipay to a company owned separately by Alibaba's CEO.

Einhorn had bought Yahoo! shares earlier this year on the online company's stake in Alibaba.

But he expressed in the letter to Greenlight will not be involved in Yahoo! and Alibabas and back, if not in part, "that was what we signed up for. We ended with a modest loss. "

Einhorn has since again, have to worry about other things such as completed his purchase of a stake in the New York Mets.

Go to zero Hedge article

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