Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Chiesi receives 30 months in prison

Former hedge fund manager Danielle Chiesi was sentenced to 30 months in prison by a federal judge on Wednesday.

Chiesi, 45, who plead guilty in Galleon group insider trading, was sentenced to two years of supervised release with 250 hours of community service by federal judge Richard Holwell in Manhattan Court.

Chiesi, a former Executive with the New Castle hedge fund firm, pleaded guilty to three counts of conspiracy to commit securities fraud in January. Specifically, she admitted to passing along inside information about IBM, AMD and Sun Microsystems to her boss at New Castle, Mark Kurland, and to the Galleon Group founder Raj Rajaratnam.

Rajaratnam was convicted of 14 counts of insider trading in May and faces at least 20 years in prison at his sentencing on Sept. 27.

Chiesi received notoriety during Rajnaratnams trial when prosecutors played tapes of her conversations with profanity laced Rajnaratnam.

Sentencing guidelines called for her to serve a 37-46 month prison sentence, while her lawyers argued for a 27-month prison sentence.

Chiesi held a press conference outside the courthouse after her punishment where her lawyer, Alan Kaufman, said his client will serve his sentence and move on with her life.

Chiesi up media when asked what she expected from his prison time.

"I believe in order to survive," said Chiesi in a surprisingly positive mood.

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Ex-Hedge Fund Manager, Chiesi will pay $ 540 K

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