Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Carlyle Group to buy 55% stake in Tiger backed down

Private equity firm Carlyle Group has agreed to buy a 55% stake in hedge fund Tiger Management-supported fixed emerging sovereign group.

ESG, a New York-based company that focuses on emerging markets and macroeconomic strategies, agreed to the deal in exchange for cash, an ownership interest in the Carlyle and performance-based contingent payments.

The terms of the deal were not disclosed.

ESG was founded in 2002 by Kevin Kenny with an initial investment of Julian Robertson hedge fund firm Tiger management.

Tiger management will hold a significant investment in RESEARCH funds and an ownership interest in the RESEARCH NOTE after closure.

The deal comes as Carlyle is to add more liquid investments for a possible future public share sale within a year, according to Bloomberg.

Carlyle is the world's second largest venture capital company with 107 billion dollars under management 31 Dec 2010, according to the company's Web site.

Go to the Bloomberg article

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